The Greenlee Round Hole Punches make instrument hole cutting for 1", 2-1/4" and 3-1/8" holes quick and easy. Here's how it works:
- (1) Layout hole location, draw centerlines so that they extend beyond the hole size to be punched.
- (2) Drill proper size pilot hole in the center.
- (3) Put drive screw through die and pilot hole.
- (4) Thread on punch until both die and punch are ight against metal.
- (5) Line up center lines of the hole with marks on outside of the die.
- (6) Turn drive screw with open end or box wrench (clockwise) until hole is punched.
- (7) Remove punch from drive screw and the metal halves will fall out.
- NOTE: You can use the Hydraulic Ram Kit (P/N:7646) with the round hole punches instead of turning the drive screw with a wrench.